Friday, September 23, 2011

Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit

One of my regular assignments with the scout troop is to meet with the boys assigned to do the food shopping for each trip and help them develop a proper shopping list. The idea is to get them to think about portions, amount, and cost so that we have enough food, but are not throwing tons of it away. It also helps control costs a little.

One of the food items that always haunts us is baked beans. The kids always want baked beans if they have hot dogs (it happens once or twice a year), and we always throw over half of what we prepare into the garbage.

On our most recent trip, we served brats and hot dogs for dinner. Naturally, baked beans were on the menu. As I talked with the boy buying the food, I made a point that we usually throw a lot of the beans away, so he should not buy 50 servings worth. Then I told him, "You don't need to buy the smallest cans, but two of the next size up would be okay." I had in mind a 28 oz can.

He showed up with two #10 cans of baked beans.

My newest assignment: compile a list of foods that we commonly purchase and catalog the size container that we recommend for purchase of each of these foods.

For the time being, I'd avoid camping near our troop.

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